Accelerating the Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies into Production

Qualification & Certification | Systems & Process Economics | Digital Transformation Strategy | Supply Chain Mapping | Manufacturing Ecosystem Development | Communications Strategy | Workforce Development & Training



400 years of combined
industry experience

Founded in 2017, the Barnes Global Advisors (TBGA) is an independent engineering firm with profound experience in advanced manufacturing and supply chain, drawing upon a combined experience of 350+ years in additive manufacturing (AM) and 400+ years in advanced manufacturing. We guide customers along their journey through our network of trusted partnerships, market-leading and data-driven insights, additive manufacturing training programs, and a culture that embraces innovation and collaboration.



Seamlessly integrate advanced technology with your operations to improve digital, design, materials, and manufacturing capabilities. Our ADDvisor® team is full of trusted global AM experts to serve as an extension of your team.


Enhance your AM knowledge with our comprehensive suite of AM training courses and our online AM certificate. In-person and virtual courses are available, enabling learners at any level to succeed at their own pace.


Partner with TBGA to communicate your story and unique value proposition. Work with our team to build your industry profile and build connections through strategic content development and implementation.


Connect with industry experts.
