Demonstrating the ability of a self-sustaining advanced manufacturing production campus to address critical part needs for U.S. warfighters

What is RME?
The Resilient Manufacturing Ecosystem (RME) will demonstrate the ability of a selfsustaining advanced manufacturing production campus to address critical part needs for U.S. warfighters. Central to this initiative is a robust workforce development program, offering comprehensive training and hands-on applications to ensure a well-equipped, skilled workforce. This program, launched in 2023 and led by The Barnes Global Advisors (TBGA), uses the Neighborhood 91 Advanced Manufacturing Production Campus as a model for sustaining advanced manufacturing. RME is backed by the Department of Defense (DoD) through its Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) program.
Tech-Know Transition
As part of the DoD IBAS Program’s National Imperative for Industrial Skills (NIIS) initiative, RME is a workforce development (WFD) effort at its core. By starting with real DoD parts, RME will identify, develop, and deploy production-focused technology and knowledge (Tech-Know) solutions necessary to close the gap in the advanced manufacturing Defense Industrial Base workforce.

RME emphasizes the importance of addressing the evolving skill needs within the Defense Industrial Base workforce. Through collaboration with regional Pittsburgh stakeholders, we identify advanced manufacturing training requirements. RME aims to harness existing academic and training programs while pioneering new initiatives to bridge identified gaps.

In an era of growing cyber threats, safeguarding our manufacturing infrastructure and intellectual assets is paramount. RME integrates cutting-edge, robust cybersecurity protocols and practices, ensuring that every process and data transaction is secure and resilient against external threats.

Capability & Capacity Expansion
To drive the future of defense manufacturing, RME emphasizes expanding both capability and capacity. By harnessing state-of-the-art technologies and fostering collaboration, we ensure a robust, adaptive, and responsive manufacturing ecosystem, ready to meet the dynamic needs of the Department of Defense.
Capability & Capacity Expansion
Step 1:
Part Identification
Identify critical weapon systems' hard-to-source parts that are viable candidates for metal additive manufacturing to augment casting and/or forging supply chain challenges.
Step 2:
Engineering & Analysis
Perform “Can I? / Should I?” analysis for additive manufacturing technologies, ensuring fit for purpose and significant lead time improvement.
Step 3:
Modifying for Additive
Develop a modified design that will work with the AM process and material combination.
Step 4:
Make Parts
Demonstrate part production through ecosystem partners encompassing the entire value chain and producing finished parts for delivery.

RME Vision
A vibrant, self-sustaining, and resilient manufacturing campus consisting of all the ecosystem elements necessary to produce additively-enabled components in support of U.S. National and Economic Security.
Engage in RME
RME is at the forefront of innovation. Play a pivotal role in shaping the future of advanced manufacturing in the U.S. Backed by a team of seasoned experts and innovators, this initiative is set to disrupt the status quo and lead the way towards extraordinary growth and success.
For questions or more information, email rme@barnesglobaladvisors.com.