Sunset of the AM Evangelist

By Laura Ely

e·van·ge·list /əˈvanjələst/ noun: a zealous advocate of something.

Every technology has phases of maturity. Technologists and business analysts use various models to represent a technology’s maturity like the NASA Technology Readiness Level (TRL) methodology or the Gartner Hype Cycle. Additive manufacturing is no different.

It shouldn’t be too surprising that the skillsets of the people required to advance technology varies throughout the stages of maturity. The technical skillsets evolve from invention and creation in the early technology stages to innovation and methodical application in the latter. 

Early AM Leaders

The early stages of technology maturity require a technology leader who is an evangelist. As the definition above states, this person must zealously advocate for a new technology. This was especially true during the early stages of Additive Manufacturing; people did not understand the world of possibilities. We had to re-educate people to unencumber their thinking from subtractive methodologies and open their minds to layer by layer possibilities. I spent several years necessarily evangelizing, as I kickstarted the efforts to stand up the first AM capabilities for GKN in North America.

What now?

AM is no longer in its infancy with applications in production across all major industries. Our inspiration now needs to come from AM leaders who are practitioners. Those who do, who make and who have successfully implemented AM into real world applications. People who focus on achieving application requirements and consistent production.

prac·ti·tion·er /prakˈtiSH(ə)nər/ noun: a person actively engaged in an art, discipline, or profession.

It is time for us to stop the hand waving, to sunset our inner evangelist. It is time to look towards the practitioners for inspiration. Look to the leaders who have qualified hardware with real performance requirements in highly regulated industries. Look to the crisis solvers, to the emergency ventilator, face shield and mask creators. Look to the doers, to their successes and failures, as they are chartering the path out of the trough of disillusionment.


Formed in 2017 due to the rapid expansion in additive manufacturing (AM), The Barnes Group Advisors LLC (TBGA) seeks to fill a market gap in seasoned engineering and strategy specifically suited to the field. The advisors have a combined experience of 130 years in additive manufacturing, aerospace requirements, research and development and highly complex product development.  We have participated in world’s first endeavors and OEM qualification.  We offer specialized services in Materials, Systems, Techno-Economics, Digital, Economics and Strategy for advanced manufacturing, specifically, AM.


From metal powders, to wire, each feedstock brings its own requirements and each materials system its own processing sweet spot.  We bring deep and intimate knowledge of where the material feedstock comes from, what the risks are and who are the major players as key to a successful engagement in AM. This includes powder production, system optimization, metallurgy, and post processing with an eye on part requirements.

Systems & Process Economics

An AM factory is a system of systems.  TBGA offers advice on factory layout, machine selection, parameter development and machine customization to improve economics. We can help with quantifiable, analytical advice. TBGA can model your system to identify growth scaling issues, cost impacts and sensitivity guidance to help you achieve shorter development times and better process economics.


TBGA offers modeling and simulation support to reduce risk and offer insight to multiple processes.  TBGA can assist in projects to capture existing data and make better use of it.

Professional Services, Strategy & Communications

Currently, companies know they want to participate in the value being created with additive manufacturing, they just don’t know exactly how.  TBGA can use its profound knowledge to help you with your strategy. TBGA provides advice for the VC and equity markets on trends in the industry and which groups have the magic to travel the distance.  Lastly, because we understand the depth and breadth of the AM market, we can help shape the communications strategy and bring efficiency to the message AM companies intend to bring.

Workforce Development and Training

TBGA develops AM specific workforce development strategies and deploys on site and online training.