The Pittsburgh region is becoming a leading center in additive manufacturing underpinned with the creation of Neighborhood 91 -- the first development in the world to both condense and connect all components of the additive manufacturing and 3D Printing supply chain into one powerful production ecosystem. Today, John Barnes, Founder and Managing Director of the Barnes Global Advisors, will join us to detail how a cluster concept like Neighborhood 91 can act as a catalyst for additive manufacturing, industrialization and innovation with the creation of a cost-efficient ecosystem. Barnes led a study predicting the economic impact of Neighborhood 91 with five key impact areas identified: Reduction in Production Costs – 25% for Parts and 30% for Powder Simplified Supply Chain with 80% Reduction in Manufacturing Lead Time and 80+% Reduction in Transportation Cost and Miles for Powder to Part Production Workforce Development and R&D Boost Productivity and Innovation Agglomeration Economies and Labor Market Pooling for Reductions in Learning Curves and Under-utilized Equipment Reduced Energy Consumption and Emissions Join us for this fascinating conversation to learn more.