The Barnes Group Advisors examine impact of Neighborhood 91 additive manufacturing hub

Independent additive manufacturing (AM) consultancy, The Barnes Group Advisors (TBGA) has released the results of an impact study into the overall economic benefits of the planned Neighborhood 91 AM production campus at Pittsburgh International Airport.

The cluster has been designed to house a complete end-to-end AM supply chain on a 195-acre site directly attached to airport. The findings of the report highlight five key impact areas which suggest Neighborhood 91 can act as a “catalyst for AM industrialisation and innovation”.

The report found that the cluster could deliver a reduction in production costs by 25% for AM parts manufacturers and by 30% for powder manufacturers. It offers a simplified supply chain with a proposed 80% reduction in manufacturing lead times and an 80-100% reduction in transport costs and miles for powder to part production. The Neighborhood is also set to reduce energy consumption and emissions by minimising transportation needs due to a centralised production campus and an overall reduced energy demand.

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