Posts in Articles
Voices Amplified: Jennifer Coyne Leverages Career in Rail Sector To Industrialize Additive

The AM industry as a whole suffers from a lack of material data and established manufacturing criteria, leaving question marks about what these technologies produce or are capable of producing. In addition, the technology is quite complex, with numerous variables and process parameters that can affect the product outcome—something Coyne refers to as “turning the knobs.”

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The Barnes Global Advisors Launch TBGA Media for Advanced Manufacturing Customers

TBGA announces the expansion of its communications offerings for customers, officially launching this week as TBGA Media. This expanded offering helps customers solidify messaging and grow their presence in the ever evolving additive and advanced manufacturing marketplace; TBGA leverages 150+ years of additive manufacturing (AM) experience and relationships to maximize the impact of customers’ media investment.

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AMS Speaker Spotlight: Defining the Future is Hard Work

At the beginning of every year, we all look forward to the future and what it will hold for our industry. It is difficult to predict the future and define it with precision. As I prepare for the panel, my thoughts swirl around many topics ranging from qualification, all the way back to awareness of AM. Sometimes our AM industry faces too little or too much definition.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
Building Trust in 3D Printing

During my 17-year career in manufacturing, I’ve experienced many technology adoption journeys, giving me a front row seat to the good, the bad, and the ugly. Each of them came with their own interesting technical and business lessons, but they all had one common denominator: People. I am often asked, “Why is Additive Manufacturing (AM) not being adopted faster?”

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
Order of Operations in Metal Additive Manufacturing

Like many manufactured products, multiple processes and inspections are required to make Metal Additive Manufactured (MAM) parts. Not only are these different operations necessary for the part to have the desired geometry and properties, but the order in which the different operations are performed are equally important.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
How an MES Can Help Power AM Qualification

“Knowledge is power,” the infamous quote attributed to Sir Francis Bacon comes to mind when reflecting on Industry 4.0 and the promise of more knowledge and insights. However, while Additive Manufacturing (AM) is creating piles and piles of data, how much insight and actionable knowledge is actually available?

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
AM DfAM Series - Binder Jet Processing: What Happens After Printing? A Review of Key Process Steps & Design Considerations

by Kirk Rogers and John Barnes, The Barnes Global Advisors

In our previous article, we covered design considerations for Binder Jet Processing (BJP) by highlighting the critical process steps which also form design constraints. In this article, we take a deeper dive into the details of de-binding and sintering. Part Three of a four-part series.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
AM DfAM Series - Binder Jetting Processing is About the Processing

by Kirk Rogers and John Barnes, The Barnes Global Advisors

In our previous article we covered considerations on the overall approach for designing for the process depending on the flexibility the designer has with the part. In this article, we’re honing in specifically on designing for BJP considerations by highlighting some of the critical process steps which form design constraints. Part Two of a four-part series.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel