Building Trust in 3D Printing

During my 17-year career in manufacturing, I’ve experienced many technology adoption journeys, giving me a front row seat to the good, the bad, and the ugly. Each of them came with their own interesting technical and business lessons, but they all had one common denominator: People. I am often asked, “Why is Additive Manufacturing (AM) not being adopted faster?”

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
Order of Operations in Metal Additive Manufacturing

Like many manufactured products, multiple processes and inspections are required to make Metal Additive Manufactured (MAM) parts. Not only are these different operations necessary for the part to have the desired geometry and properties, but the order in which the different operations are performed are equally important.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
How an MES Can Help Power AM Qualification

“Knowledge is power,” the infamous quote attributed to Sir Francis Bacon comes to mind when reflecting on Industry 4.0 and the promise of more knowledge and insights. However, while Additive Manufacturing (AM) is creating piles and piles of data, how much insight and actionable knowledge is actually available?

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel