QUASAR Industry Survey
This survey is conducted by The Barnes Global Advisors (TBGA) as a part of QUalification of Additive Structures for Aerospace Requirements (QUASAR), an effort led by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). Survey responses and attribution will be visible only to TBGA and AFRL and will not be further distributed. This survey is solely for the purposes of capturing the technical opinions of subject matter experts and is not construed as reflecting any position of respondents’ company or organization policy.
This survey is expected to take 30-60 minutes to complete and will assist in the industry-wide assessment being performed by TBGA that will guide follow-on investment from AFRL for closing the technical gaps to certify additively manufactured fracture-critical components.
For questions about the content and authenticity of this survey, contact Dr. Matthew Krug (matthew.krug.3@us.af.mil, 937.255.1387) or Mr. Eric Versluys (eric.versluys@barnesglobaladvisors.com, 909.800.9010).
Distribution A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. AFRL-2024-2583