Posts in Articles
The Cummings and Goings of Chelsea – Software, Hardware, Design

Often as a boots-on-the-ground ADDvisor®, Chelsea derives most of her experience from testing hardware and software to aid in AM design optimization. Her goals center around learning how various user-workflows impact design for various applications. By orienting design around process principles and target part performance, she can tailor optimization to parts across diverse use-cases.

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Little Wins Create Value in Additive Manufacturing

One of the more useful aids I have seen for this discussion is the AM Maturity Model that John Barnes sketched on the back of a napkin when he began The Barnes Global Advisors five years ago (see image). The model has withstood the test of time, and I refer to it frequently in the AM training that I run with the team as their Educational advisor.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
25 Years Later, What’s Exciting in Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion?

Lasers and electron beams have been competing for applications for more than half a century when both became viable technologies to precision weld metals. Electron beams produced a deeper weld penetration, but needed vacuum to prevent scattering of the beam, which meant an expensive vacuum chamber limited the size of applications. Lasers had a smaller weld penetration, didn’t require vacuum and were not limited by chambers, but were susceptible to gas contamination. They both had their value propositions and applications, though, as noted, pop culture only popularized one.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
Laura Ely Champions AM at IMTS and Beyond

TBGA ADDvisor® Laura Ely has many superpowers, but her most notable is delivering intriguing content, bringing value to any discussion! Her recent panel and presentation at IMTS were no exception. From training additive manufacturing workforce to the supply chain’s vital role in metal additive manufacturing qualification, Laura championed insightful discussions from her breadth of leadership experience, industry knowledge and passion for optimizing manufacturing processes.

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The Additive Manufacturing Process: An Expectation of Consistency

Let’s step back and take a brief journey through the history of AM to set the stage for how and why consistency is so important. The roots of AM are in what was then called “rapid prototyping.” The term prototyping implied one-off and not “real” production. Early AM technologies sufficed for supporting prototyping; users could live with scrapping two builds for every successful one.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
Will Government Aid Really Boost US Additive Manufacturing?

The Biden Administration's new package of aid for the nation's manufacturing SMEs called Additive Manufacturing Forward aims to promote innovation and adoption of additive manufacturing (3D printing) to solve a whole host of current problems – from blocked supply chains to off-shored manufacturing jobs to simply losing out to other nations when it comes to innovations in manufacturing. Americans are feeling the effects of the small manufacturers’ failure to modernize in the form of higher prices on goods, Biden said at the launch of the program on May 6 in Ohio.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
TBGA Expands Capabilities in Advanced Manufacturing Qualification

The Barnes Global Advisors (TBGA) is ushering in summer 2022 by welcoming Arun Ramachandran to the ADDvisor® Services team. Arun joins from Collins Aerospace where he was the Additive Manufacturing (AM) Leader of the Advanced Structures business. He brings a 15+ year career in strategy and technical program management spanning new product development, advanced manufacturing, translating global market trends to product strategy and technology roadmaps, and implementing business process transformations using advanced data analytics.

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