Posts in Articles
What is Advanced Manufacturing?

by Kirk Rogers, The Barnes Global Advisors

While a bit more shut in than normal this spring, I enjoyed a number of books that have been waiting for me in the nightstand for some time. It gave me some time to consider how creative you have to be to coordinate real world problems and absurd scientific solutions as well as allowed me to find a nice way to refresh some manufacturing fundaments and perhaps learn some new ideas that I can apply with our clients. It’s also got me thinking about Manufacturing and what that means.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
Certification and Qualification in Additive Manufacturing Simplified

by Kevin Slattery

As highlighted by being the theme of America Makes’ recent TRX, the topics of Certification and Qualification will feature prominently in the future of Additive Manufacturing (AM). This is because AM is being developed in a wide range of industries to produce products with superior performance (weight, efficiency, cost, etc.), with the same reliability that conventional manufacturing has delivered for their customers.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
Demystifying Additive Manufacturing

The sharp uptick in additive manufacturing interest is leading many newcomers into the world of AM. For those of us who have spent decades in the field, we do not envy those who are just entering and finding themselves awash with acronyms, classifications, and nebulous definitions.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel

by John E. Barnes (TBGA) & Buck Helfferich (TRONIX3D)

The Barnes Group Advisors (TBGA) and TRONIX3D have teamed up as small businesses to provide a unique perspective on how Additive Manufacturing (AM) can support COVID-19 efforts. In this third installment, TBGA and TRONIX3D examine the prickly question: IS AM THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB?

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by John E. Barnes (TBGA) & Buck Helfferich (TRONIX3D)

The Barnes Group Advisors (TBGA) and TRONIX3D have teamed up as small businesses to provide a unique perspective on how Additive Manufacturing (AM) can support COVID-19 efforts. The virus is fast, and supplies are low. Therefore, everyone is looking for ways to reduce the delivery time of proven solutions.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
Sunset of the AM Evangelist

by Laura Ely, The Barnes Global Advisors

e·van·ge·list /əˈvanjələst/ noun: a zealous advocate of something.

Every technology has phases of maturity. Technologists and business analysts use various models to represent a technology’s maturity like the NASA Technology Readiness Level (TRL) methodology or the Gartner Hype Cycle. Additive manufacturing is no different.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel
Certification and Qualification in Additive Manufacturing Simplified

The topics of Certification and Qualification will feature prominently in the future of Additive Manufacturing (AM). Certification and qualification are not unique to highly regulated industries such as aerospace and medical. I will describe certification and qualification in terms of AM, and how it applies to both safety-critical and relatively relatively mundane applications.

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ArticlesAllie Kunkel